Tag Archives: Security

If You Use Evernote Your Data May Have Been Exposed

Do you use Evernote Web Clipper for the Chrome web browser? If so, be advised that the developer recently reported that a critical flaw in the extension could allow hackers to access user information from third party online services. Online security company Guardio discovered the flaw and had this to say: “Due to Evernote’s widespread […]

Critical Flaw Found In Medical Device Pump Software

Researchers have recently discovered a pair of critical vulnerabilities in Alaris Gateway Workstations. These bring us closer to the tragic day when a hacker will actually be able to kill someone with code. Alaris workstations are used to deliver fluid medications. Given the severity of the flaws, a determined hacker could take full control over […]

Undelivered Mail Notification Could Be A Phishing Scam

Hackers are always on the lookout for new ways to freshen up time-tested techniques. Where time-tested techniques are concerned, few are older than the humble phishing email. In one form or another, it seeks to trick an unsuspecting user to innocently hand over sensitive information, like usernames and passwords that the hacker can then use […]

New Malware Designed To Go After Linux Systems

Linux systems aren’t targeted by hackers as often as Windows and iOS-based systems, but they’re certainly not immune. Recently, security researchers have discovered a new strain of malware developed by Chinese hackers, specifically for the purpose of targeting Linux-based systems. The new malware has been dubbed ‘HiddenWasp’. It bears a number of features in common […]