Tag Archives: Recent News

Apple Is Saying Goodbye To iTunes With New Service

It’s the end of an era.  In 2001, Apple introduced iTunes, which transformed the music industry. For the first time ever, it was possible to buy individual songs, transfer files, and automatically sync data. It was safe and secure, and people flocked to it in droves. The truth is that iTunes isn’t so much going away, as […]

New Malware Designed To Go After Linux Systems

Linux systems aren’t targeted by hackers as often as Windows and iOS-based systems, but they’re certainly not immune. Recently, security researchers have discovered a new strain of malware developed by Chinese hackers, specifically for the purpose of targeting Linux-based systems. The new malware has been dubbed ‘HiddenWasp’. It bears a number of features in common […]

New Microsoft Excel Feature Could Be Useful For Some

In the earliest days of the smartphone, there were only a few apps that people could use to perform genuinely useful work.  Sure, they were handy for keeping your contacts all in one place and reminding you of appointments, but beyond that, your pickings were fairly slim. That changed quickly with the explosion of apps […]

Health Organization Says Gaming Addiction Is A Mental Disorder

Do you like video games?  Are you the kind that can get so lost and involved in your favorite title of the moment that you’re willing to burn vacation days and spend the entire time in a non-stop playing frenzy? It hasn’t happened very often, but there have been a handful of documented cases where […]

Hackers Had Access To Flipboard User Information

Do you use the news aggregator service called Flipboard? If so, be aware that the company has recently started notifying its user base that hackers breached their network and had access to their internal systems for approximately nine months.  If you haven’t heard from them yet, be on the lookout for an official communication from […]